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Topic: Christian DVDs

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TonyR (Tony R.)

Subject: Christian DVDs
Date Posted: 1/18/2008 9:28 AM ET
Member Since: 12/1/2007
Posts: 9
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I have the following Answers in Genesis DVDs that are extras from my library, they come in the cases with artwork and some are still shrinkwrapped, One Buddy Credit Each: I will keep the list updated, if you still see it then they are available.

PM me if you are interested. As soon as I receive the Buddy Credit I will mail out.  Thanks!

"A Foundation for Change: The First 25 Years of the Relevance Message"  by Ken Ham NEW still shrinkwrapped

25 year commemorative DVD.  In 1979 Ken Ham, a young Australian science instructor left his secure public school teaching position to go fulltime in creation ministry.  Using a room in his small Queensland home as the headquarters of what would one day become know as Answers in Genesis.  God blessed the faith-step of Ken and his bride, Mally.  Today many staff and volunteers have joined forces to reach the culture with the truth of God's Word.  Features full length video, Genesis: The Key to Reclaiming the Culture (80 minutes) plus teaching from other key productions and special memories from Ken Ham.


Last Edited on: 6/19/08 2:56 PM EST - Total times edited: 7
Debby G.

Date Posted: 6/4/2008 11:12 AM ET
Member Since: 11/13/2007
Posts: 10
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You don't happen to have any of the childrens' titles available, do you? (Like A is for Adam, D is for Dinosaur, others..)  I'm actually interested in maybe getting the Why Won't They Listen from you (we have the book and love it) but I'm mostly interested in getting DVDs for my kids' collection.  TIA.


TonyR (Tony R.)

Date Posted: 6/19/2008 2:58 PM ET
Member Since: 12/1/2007
Posts: 9
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I do have those, PM me any titles you are interested in and I will check for you!


Debby G.

Date Posted: 6/19/2008 4:13 PM ET
Member Since: 11/13/2007
Posts: 10
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Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to getting these!! :)