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Topic: Looking for the name of a film

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azizansary (Woody E.)

Subject: Looking for the name of a film
Date Posted: 3/25/2012 1:23 PM ET
Member Since: 4/9/2008
Posts: 10
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I'm trying to find the name of a film I saw on TV 30-35 years ago (not Made-for-TV). All I can remember is some scientists/archeologists were excavating a site and they found some (or a) humanoid buried in a uniform similar to that of a spanish conquestidor but the body was of gigantic proportions. Sorry that's all I can remember.  Anybody have any ideas?? Thanks.

Last Edited on: 3/25/12 1:26 PM EST - Total times edited: 1
EZ4U2SAY (Tim S.)

Subject: Possible Title / Discription Follows
Date Posted: 4/20/2013 10:03 AM ET
Member Since: 4/2/2013
Posts: 39
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Ancient Evil - Scream of the Mummy

upc: 096009041892


Six archeology students are spending the summer at an isolated rural compound with their college professor, working on an exciting discovery: an ancient mummy, found in the ruins of a temple.

Little do they realize that the mummy was the servant of the Rain God, and that one of them has the ability to bring it back to life to exact its master's deadly revenge.  Trapped inside of the compound with the murderous, unstoppable creature, they must join forces to destroy the monster, or allow it to carry out its plans to annihilate all mankind.  (From the back cover)

A previously unknown ancient Aztec pyramid is discovered in northern Mexico. It turns out to be a temple to the ancient Aztec rain god Tlaloc and a well preserved mummy is unearthed. The mummy is brought to a U.S. university where a professor and her archaeology students are to study it and other artifacts and put all on special display. Unknown to them, a high priest of Tlaloc is in their midst and reanimates the mummy in an attempt to bring about the end of the world.  (Summary written by JHC3 for IMDB)

Susan M.

Subject: Giant from the unknown (1958)
Date Posted: 3/2/2018 2:57 AM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2013
Posts: 7
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Giant from the unknown (1958) The giant is brought back to life during and electrical storm. He was very evil and the leader of a band of Spanish conquistators, exploring for gold and enslaving Indians in the mountains of California.

Last Edited on: 3/3/18 10:51 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
Susan M.

Date Posted: 3/2/2018 2:57 AM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2013
Posts: 7
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Last Edited on: 3/3/18 10:47 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
Susan M.

Date Posted: 3/2/2018 2:57 AM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2013
Posts: 7
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Last Edited on: 3/3/18 10:46 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
Susan M.

Date Posted: 3/2/2018 3:00 AM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2013
Posts: 7
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Last Edited on: 3/3/18 10:46 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
Susan M.

Subject: Oops, sorry multiple
Date Posted: 3/2/2018 3:03 AM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2013
Posts: 7
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Oops, sorry for multiple posts.