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Topic: Re-Makes of SF Movies - Which Do You Like?

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silversky (Naomi H.)

Subject: Re-Makes of SF Movies - Which Do You Like?
Date Posted: 2/1/2008 8:28 AM ET
Member Since: 11/28/2007
Posts: 100
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"The Thing From Another World" (1951) and "The Thing" (1982)

Technically a re-make, but very different from one another.  "The Thing" (1982) is much more faithful to John W. Campbell's story.  Lots of tension, suspense, and action.  The special effects are amazing.  "The Thing From Another World" (1951) also has a level of tension, and action.  I think the acting is great, especially for a '50s B science fiction movie.  It also has the added bonus of Saturday afternoon Creature Feature movies on television nostalgia for me.  This is a rare case where I like both the original movie, and the re-make.  How about you?

movienut (Darwin H.)

Date Posted: 2/4/2008 11:04 PM ET
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Agree with you 100% on both "Things".

Both "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" are also very good. (1956) and (1978).

I never saw "The Last Man on Earth" (1964) but I enjoyed the first remake "The Omega Man" (1971) with Charlton Heston, and am hearing great things and really looking forward to seeing the second remake "I Am Legend" with Will Smith that just came out.

Solaris is definitley an acquired taste but I enjoyed it. I have not yet seen the original Russian version from 1972, but have seen the remake with George Clooney from 2002. Very wierd psychological mess with your mind movie. Do not look for big special effects or you will be sorely disappointed.

I have both War of the Worlds (1953) and (2005) but have not seen the most recent one yet.

silversky (Naomi H.)

Date Posted: 2/5/2008 6:27 AM ET
Member Since: 11/28/2007
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I'm with you, Darwin, about "The Omega Man" (1971).  I haven't seen "I Am Legend" either, but I'm looking forward to it as well.

I have seen "War of the Worlds" (2005), and I highly recommend it.  I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, i.e. I won't see a movie just because he is in it, but I do respect the man's acting ability.  Cruise does a good job in "War of the Worlds" (2005), but Dakota Fanning should have received top billing based on her acting.  She really holds up the human side of the story.  The special effects are interesting.  I haven't read H. G. Wells' story in many years so I'm fuzzy on the details, but both movies are true to the main points of the story.  I think the weakest plot point of the 2005 version is where Spielberg decided to diverge from the original story - how the invasion occurs.   The 1953 version is a classic, and one of my favorite science fiction movies.

ramzac (Ramon Z.)

Subject: REMAKES?
Date Posted: 11/25/2008 3:05 PM ET
Member Since: 11/22/2008
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sevenspiders (Vanessa V.)

Date Posted: 11/28/2008 5:03 PM ET
Member Since: 11/13/2007
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I can't believe they're remaking The Day the Earth Stood Still with Keanu Reeves....it looks so freakin' bad.

Cheryl R.

Date Posted: 12/30/2008 9:12 PM ET
Member Since: 12/19/2008
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My dh and I just enjoyed the  old black and white "The Day The Earth Stood Still" today.  I love that movie!  I taped it years ago and we pull it out now and then.  I wanted to make sure I see it before we see the new one.  Remakes can be so dissappointing can't they?  I'm afraid to go.  They did a good job on "Body Snatchers" though. 

doctort13 (Terrence B.)

Subject: Remake or Cash in?
Date Posted: 9/4/2009 10:58 PM ET
Member Since: 6/5/2009
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Other than "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" I can't say that there are any good remakes. 

In example:  Planet of the Apes, King Kong, War of the Worlds, and the list goes on.


Why remake?  Why not make a new film from an original idea...

glowbird (Gloria B.)

Date Posted: 11/28/2009 1:44 PM ET
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Of the two versions of The Time Machine, I like the earlier one.  The re-make is good, but for longevity, I'd vote for the original version.

Metryq (Matthew W.)

Subject: Reel Future
Date Posted: 7/11/2010 10:47 AM ET
Member Since: 7/3/2010
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REEL FUTURE is an anthology with the original stories that many of those old classic sci-fi movies are based on, if you can find a copy. (Alibris.com is one place to look.)

I enjoyed the original THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, but cannot agree with the political ideology behind it. Is any race that must be coerced into civilized behavior really worth saving? As Spock noted in the TREK episode "The Day of the Dove," those who fight must stop themselves, or it is not stopped. The "surprise ending" of the original FAREWELL TO THE MASTER is essentially the same, but without the politics. (The reader does not know how the relationship between "Gort" and "Klaatu" came to be.) I have yet to see the remake. ("Keanu barrada nikto?")

I AM LEGEND has been dramatized for the screen three times, each time worse than the last. Nothing on screen can top the creep factor of the scene in the book when Neville's wife returns home one night.

The remake of THE FLY with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis is more technically credible than the original, where the fly's head is magnified and grafted onto the scientist's body. I think the inside-out pig creature in GALAXY QUEST was a (disgusting) nod to the remake.

I suppose HOLLOW MAN could be considered a remake of THE INVISIBLE MAN, a story that has seen numerous screen interpretations from cinema to TV. HOLLOW MAN is actually close to HG Wells' original in spirit, and with awesome special effects. I found one of the digital models on-line years ago, and my eyes bugged out at the price. If I'm remembering correctly, the human DM (excruciatingly detailed, mind you) sold for $15,000. I wish some of my computer models could command prices like that!

I agree with Silversky's critiques of THE THINGs. I also remember my brother being a real wiseguy by seeing the remake a second time in the cinema. He deliberately sat down next to someone he didn't know and waited for the scene when everyone is tied to the couch. In synch with the action on screen, he started twitching and quivering...

Last Edited on: 7/11/10 10:48 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
MississippimovieDoc (Dan E.)

Date Posted: 7/29/2010 3:03 PM ET
Member Since: 7/24/2010
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Any one who has not see The Last Man on Earth but enjoys the novella by Richard Matheson I Am Legend needs to see it to put all three movie versions into perspective. I think it has a higher creep factor than latest I Am Legend as it stays much closer to the original plot line than any of them and it's hard to beat Vincent Price in black and white.