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Topic: Life is crazy

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Jgramos1978 (Jessica R.)

Subject: Life is crazy
Date Posted: 5/28/2013 1:30 AM ET
Member Since: 7/16/2012
Posts: 1
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I want to apologize to everyone in here now, and anyone who has requested a book from me in the last month or two.  I have been going through a separation, trying to find a new home, moving me and my boys out, and trying to furnish it and get settled.  I have forgotten about the DVD swap and I am sincerely sorry if anyone has requested anything from me and I did not respond.  I now have internet at our new home, things are settling, and getting a little closer to normal.  If anyone has requested anything from me and I did not respond, please feel free to ask again.  I WILL respond this time!

