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Topic: Richard Sharpe's VHS series

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vickir (Vicki R.)

Subject: Richard Sharpe's VHS series
Date Posted: 10/19/2013 2:20 AM ET
Member Since: 12/20/2009
Posts: 1
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I have most of the series about Richard Sharpe.  Set in the Napeoleonic wars circa early 1800s, it tells the story of Richard Sharpe, a Sgt who wins a battlefied promotion to officer in the British Army..  This is when commissions were bought by Daddy with no thought to age, education or wishes of the young man involved.  Starring Sean Bean,  based on the novels of Bernard Cornwell.  The history is accurate and the action rousing.  Contact me about these VHS tapes.  It's a multi-tape mult-i episode.  My late husband and I first got interested when PBS ran the BBC series.


I also so have Season 2 and 3 of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.  No Bar codes.. DVDs..

vickir   (Vicki Russell)