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Topic: Fargo - and all other Coen Brothers films

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Jack C.

Subject: Fargo - and all other Coen Brothers films
Date Posted: 12/19/2013 1:54 AM ET
Member Since: 12/4/2013
Posts: 27
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I'm swapping my old copy of Fargo because I got the blu-ray.

The Coen Brothers are perhaps my favorite filmmakers in the world. I love them to bits. I just saw their most recent one, Inside Llewyn Davis, in the theater. Oscar Isaac (the heavy from Drive and Sucker Punch) gives a brilliant performance as a luckless and bitter folk singer in 1961 New York. Incredible soundtrack - Oscar does his own singing - and it's produced by T Bone Burnett, who of course worked on the O Brother: Where Art Thou soundtrack as well.

My Coen Brothers favorites in order:

The Big Lebowski
O Brother: Where Art Thou?
Raising Arizona
Barton Fink
Blood Simple
True Grit
No Country for Old Men
Miller's Crossing
Inside Llewyn Davis
The Hudsucker Proxy
Burn After Reading

I still need to see The Man Who Wasn't There, Intolerable Cruely, and The Ladykillers. How 'bout you, dude?