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Topic: Schindler's Lits

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vincentday614 (Kristopher F.)

Subject: Schindler's Lits
Date Posted: 8/4/2015 5:55 AM ET
Member Since: 5/12/2015
Posts: 15
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Anybody has seen this film? Dramatic history about Poles and Jews. Once I sow the movie I realized how important is the history especially history of World War 2. Since then every year I take my children for a trip to Auschwitz as we all should bring up children in the vein of the history. This is the Museum of Auschwitz's official  website: klick here I recommend to watch Schindler's List first and then go to the museum to see how terrible were all the ongoings...

Last Edited on: 8/4/15 6:09 AM EST - Total times edited: 5