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Topic: Star Wars The Force Awakens 3D Blu-ray Disc only

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jhowa580 (Jonathan H.)

Subject: Star Wars The Force Awakens 3D Blu-ray Disc only
Date Posted: 7/16/2018 8:22 PM ET
Member Since: 9/11/2017
Posts: 5
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I will provide 3 dvd credits and make mailing arrangements with the first person who can offer me a 3D Blu-ray Disc ONLY copy of Star Wars The Force Awakens (region 1 per club rules).  I have the Blu-ray, dvd, and digital code, so I don’t need more of those.  Just would like a 3D Blu-ray Disc ONLY copy of the movie if anybody has one to offer.


Jonathan H.

Last Edited on: 7/17/18 9:27 PM EST - Total times edited: 1
jhowa580 (Jonathan H.)

Subject: Bought!
Date Posted: 7/23/2018 10:37 PM ET
Member Since: 9/11/2017
Posts: 5
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I ended up buying this so I don’t need it anymore.  Thanks for your help and consideration though!