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Topic: Historical Film Swap

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vladadog (Jan H.)

Subject: Historical Film Swap
Date Posted: 3/29/2008 7:04 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2007
Posts: 8,104
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Would anyone be interested in a swap of historical films?

dblue956 (Donna B.)

Subject: Looking for the movie Scarlett
Date Posted: 12/21/2008 1:59 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2008
Posts: 2
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I am looking for the film Scarlett. It it the sequiel to gone with the wind. I have had it on my wish list for over a year now. And would love to get my hands on a copy. And I am also looking for the movie Shining through, with Michael Douglas, and Meloney Griffith.It is a wwll spy movie. And have had it on my wish list as long as I have had scarlett on there. I really hope someone out there can help me out with theese or at least on of the other of them.