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Topic: Need some help finding a good workout DVD

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Robey (Robey S.)

Subject: Need some help finding a good workout DVD
Date Posted: 1/23/2009 12:22 AM ET
Member Since: 11/19/2007
Posts: 4,463
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Right now my main exercises are Leslie Sanson, walk away the pounds dvd's and my elicpital machine. (5 days a week)

I would really like to add strength training in the mix, but just wasn't sure what I should go with .

I was doing Billy Blanks DVD's which I loved for the strength training in them, but, unfortunately, I hurt my knee doing it cuz while I was doing the cardio portion of it, (jumping jacks) I landed wrong and twisted it. This was back in Sept. and it's still really fragile, hurts if I bump my foot or knee in anyway. I wasn't able to workout for 3 weeks when it first happened, but can do the exercises I mentioned above without a problem, just no, twisting, jumping or fast movements for me anymore. I hurt this same knee years ago, so it probably was fragile to begin with.

ANYWAY! :) I have some dvd's in mind that I was thinking about ordering, but there's not a whole lot said about them and I wonder if anyone has any opinions or can suggest something that's strength (weights) only and no cardio whatsoever?

Here's what I have.

Kathy Smith: Timesaver - Lift Weights to Lose Weight 2

Buns of Steel: Sculpting and Toning


Body By Jake: Strength Training 101 for Women


nurvygrl (Karen N.)

Date Posted: 5/20/2009 7:31 PM ET
Member Since: 2/22/2008
Posts: 6
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Have you had a chance to try Tamilee Web's Tight On Time DVDs, or her (best workout, in my opinion) I Want That Body? Sorry to hear about your injury; hope you are feeling better.
Damion M.

Subject: Proper workout as well as proper diet
Date Posted: 5/22/2009 12:29 AM ET
Member Since: 5/22/2009
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One cannot reduce his/her weight by just doing workout rather; one needs to have a proper intake of healthy food and proper diet as well. The Rice Diet is a program specializing in the prevention, treatment and reversal of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and congestive heart failure. The diet consists of fruits, grains, vegetables, beans, and olive oil with small amounts of non-fat dairy and seafood (& lean meats), which is what patients are directed to eat when they return home both for continued weight loss and maintenance. On completion of the program, resources are available for participants to continue with a healthy lifestyle, and to maintain the improved health gained while on the residential program


workout routines

Last Edited on: 5/22/09 12:30 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
whatanurse (Denise G.)

Date Posted: 5/22/2009 10:05 AM ET
Member Since: 12/5/2007
Posts: 252
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Hey, checkout "videofitness". They have info. on a lot of fitness dvds. Also check out collagedvd. You can preview dvds there. Iam havig a two for 1 on my dvds, posted and unposted. And tamilees I want that body is great.

Alex I.

Subject: workout routines
Date Posted: 12/1/2009 12:48 PM ET
Member Since: 12/1/2009
Posts: 2
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You'll find workouts for ab, back, bicep, chest, legs, shoulders and whole body workouts that'll whip you into shape in no time!
If you need help with workout routines, workout tips or exercise equipment, I have tons of helpful information you can use right away. You're out of excuses for being lazy, get your butt in gear!
Let's get started - Choose one of the workout blueprints below, or check the left hand navigation to get started losing fat and gaining muscle...
[url="http://www.trainwithmeonline.com/programs.asp"]workout routines[/url]

Alex I.

Date Posted: 12/1/2009 12:49 PM ET
Member Since: 12/1/2009
Posts: 2
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You'll find workouts for ab, back, bicep, chest, legs, shoulders and whole body workouts that'll whip you into shape in no time!
If you need help with workout routines, workout tips or exercise equipment, I have tons of helpful information you can use right away. You're out of excuses for being lazy, get your butt in gear!
Let's get started - Choose one of the workout blueprints below, or check the left hand navigation to get started losing fat and gaining muscle...
workout routines

Aylissee A.

Date Posted: 5/26/2012 6:50 PM ET
Member Since: 5/26/2012
Posts: 15
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**Edited by SwapaDVD Team**

TeaBea (Tracy B.)

Date Posted: 5/27/2012 11:45 AM ET
Member Since: 1/16/2011
Posts: 1,230
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Power yoga and pilates are also good for resistance training.  These vidoes typically don't use dumbbells, just the weight of your body.  I really enjoy Leslie workouts, but strength/resistance training is important also.

PILATES AVAILABLE:  10 Minute Solutions - there are 2 available.  One uses a resistance band, if you have a band .... I really like 10 Minute Solution Slim & Sculpt Pilates

Other pilates DVDs available - Shape Pilates for Pink with Mari Winsor, this uses a band too.  I've not tried this DVD, Mari Winsor is very thorough (moves too slow for me) .... this would be good for beginners.  Shape pilates with Lizbeth Garcia, have not tried ... she's more chatty than Leslie even.

 Jillian Hessell - Gaiam Lower Body .... too easy.  Leslie Sansone - You Can Do Pilates, also very easy.

Last Edited on: 5/27/12 11:57 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
Elizabeth E.

Subject: collage video
Date Posted: 6/12/2012 10:01 PM ET
Member Since: 2/7/2010
Posts: 1
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