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Date Posted: 1/24/2009 7:02 AM ET
Member Since: 1/14/2009
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1. Donnie Darko

2. 12 Monkeys

3. The Time Machine

4. The Butterfly Effect

5. Time Cop

Can anybody recommend any other time travel movies to me?

~Brenna Ravyn Moon Fyre~

sirg (Gary G.)

Date Posted: 2/8/2009 10:04 PM ET
Member Since: 12/2/2008
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How about these....

The Final Countdown

Time After Time

aylamonster (Shellie F.)

Date Posted: 2/10/2009 7:49 PM ET
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I just watched Timeline with Gerard Butler, Billy Connelly & Francis O'Connor.  Not great but fun

sevenspiders (Vanessa V.)

Date Posted: 2/12/2009 8:09 AM ET
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Time After Time

Army of Darkness

Donnie Darko

Back to the Future

thebat2O (Cheryl S.)

Subject: Time Travel.....
Date Posted: 2/25/2009 8:03 AM ET
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A wonderful movie is "Sound of Thunder"......awsome!!!

LydiaDeetz (Dalia O.)

Date Posted: 3/27/2010 2:20 AM ET
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1. Star Trek (2009)

2. T2

3. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

4. Back to the Future

5. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe


You might also  like: Timeline, The Time Machine, The Time Traveler's Wife, Somewhere in Time, Primer, Time Bandits, Deja Vu, Paycheck , Kate & Leopold, Next, The Lake House, Planet of the Apes, Happy Accidents, Galaxy Quest, The Thirteen Floor, Outlander and Frequency.

inflt (Lee T.)

Subject: Time Travel
Date Posted: 4/23/2010 4:46 PM ET
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Back to the Future trilogy

SwapaWeasel (Paul S.)

Date Posted: 4/27/2010 9:35 AM ET
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It is hard to limit it to just five, but I would go with these...

  1. Donnie Darko
  2. Returner
  3. 12 Monkeys
  4. Back to the Future
  5. The Time Machine
bookfan1 (Klava D.)

Subject: Time Travel Favorites
Date Posted: 5/15/2010 8:11 PM ET
Member Since: 2/12/2010
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1)  Peggy Sue Got Married

2)  Groundhog Day

movienut (Darwin H.)

Date Posted: 5/24/2010 10:59 PM ET
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If you haven't yet seen TimeCrimes I highly recommend it.

It was filmed in Spain and the soundtrack is in Spanish, so if subtitles throw you off it may not be for you. But if you are open to foreign films it is well worth a view.
If it helps you determine whether we may have similar tastes in movies, of all the "time travel" movies previously listed in this thread my favorites in no particular order would be:
Time After Time,
The Time Machine (1960 original),
Terminator & T2,
and Groundhog Day

Last Edited on: 4/11/13 11:37 PM EST - Total times edited: 4
Metryq (Matthew W.)

Subject: Guilty Pleasures
Date Posted: 7/11/2010 9:52 AM ET
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The best time travel stories are in print. Most movies involving time travel play so fast and loose with the "rules" that they invoke paradoxes at every turn, or make no sense at all. Still, that does not prevent me from enjoying time travel cinema as a "guilty pleasure." BACK TO THE FUTURE, for example, cannot be explained with either the single universe concept, or the many worlds model. One would have to assume a single universe -- a single time line -- for anything Marty did in 1955 to compromise his own existence. That is the classic "grandfather paradox," which also means Marty could not have done anything to alter his own history in the slightest. If we then assume a "many worlds" arrangement, where there are multiple universes with Martys varying in greater or lesser detail, then Marty still could not erase himself by stepping into an alternate time line. (Not even an alternate Marty could erase him; the best that might be achieved is another alternate universe where no Marty exists.) Doc Brown tries to explain this concept in BTTF2, then bungles it by saying that the Jennifer they left on an alternate 1985 porch would be fine when the universe "corrected" itself around her. Wrong. That Jennifer would be lost in an alternate history forever. It's a mess in many other ways, but the movie is fun for other reasons, hence "guilty pleasure."

THE TERMINATOR stands on its own, a reflexive causality structure. The warriors on both sides acted on the assumption that a time war could be fought, which is the very reason history had the shape that it did. The time travelers did not know that their own actions lead to the world they already know. Like BACK TO THE FUTURE, the sequel (T2) has other things going for it than technical accuracy. The only way to "fix" what is wrong with T2 is to assume that Judgment Day was not averted. How? Simple. Every big company backs up its data off-site, and a project as big as reverse engineering the first T-800 would certainly be backed up in many places. The whole Terminator franchise should have stopped at T2.

GROUNDHOG DAY? I wouldn't really class that as time travel so much as divine punishment. Phil Connors was "sentenced" to live out the same day over and over until he got it right. And it wasn't simply a matter of living that one day really well -- he had to reach Nirvana. I'll say one thing: It must have been confusing to manage all those alternate days with good and bad "takes."

wdavidw (William W.)

Date Posted: 9/4/2010 1:25 AM ET
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Somewhere In Time

The Lake House

Metryq (Matthew W.)

Subject: Psychological time travel
Date Posted: 9/22/2010 2:54 PM ET
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Jack Finney's TIME AND AGAIN might have been the inspiration for SOMEWHERE IN TIME. The novel is an immersive trip through 1882, but I didn't much care for the "psychological time travel" angle. Like the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics, it sounds more like metaphysics than physics.

Finney also wrote a sequel titled FROM TIME TO TIME.

Kingtim17 (Tim G.)

Date Posted: 3/1/2012 11:18 PM ET
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I can't believe no one mentioned Millennium!  Lol

vladadog (Jan H.)

Date Posted: 4/27/2012 10:24 AM ET
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I loved  "Timerider" although the DVD transfer isn't so hot.

EZ4U2SAY (Tim S.)

Subject: Some forgotten time travel titles.
Date Posted: 4/11/2013 7:40 PM ET
Member Since: 4/2/2013
Posts: 39
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1) 12:01  yes

2) Retroactiveyes

3) When  Time Expiresheart

4) timeslipno

5) returner

6)  GrAnd Tour: Disaster in timeenlightened

7) Doctor mordrid (space/time) ? devil


Last Edited on: 4/11/13 11:17 PM EST - Total times edited: 1