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Topic: Yoga for kids/preteens?

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berlioz3 (Beth L.)

Subject: Yoga for kids/preteens?
Date Posted: 11/28/2007 12:14 PM ET
Member Since: 11/14/2007
Posts: 701
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I see a lot of yoga dvds being posted and I was wondering...can anyone tell me if their's would be good (or just recommend a title for me to look for) 10yos?  We used to have a little kids video and one of my girls really liked it, so I thought maybe a really easy beginner dvd would be good.

neekaneeka (Orla S.)

Date Posted: 12/29/2007 1:05 PM ET
Member Since: 12/1/2007
Posts: 66
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A good place to ask this question also is videofitness.com forums. You'll get tons of feedback.

My 11-year-old nieces do yoga and they don't like the stuff aimed at kids. They think it's too babyish. Videofitness people told me their kids that age like Sara Ivanhoe and Ellen Barrett. I like Barrett a lot, too. I got an Ivanhoe (Candlelight) for one niece this Christmas (no feedback yet) and MTV Yoga (Kristin McGee), reportedly a good workout, for the other. For their mom I got Ellen and Shiva Rae (hoping the girls will try them, too).

Personally, I'm not crazy about Ivanhoe's delivery; haven't tried Candlelight, but on her Crunch yoga, she talks a bit like a kindergarten teacher. But anyway, videofitness people say their kids like her. Hope that helps.



myhotstylist (Adriane S.)

Date Posted: 12/26/2009 7:11 AM ET
Member Since: 12/2/2009
Posts: 24
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you can preview 1000's of workout dvds, cover images, and decriptions of each.   Naroow your seach by keyword kid, kids, or children.