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Help Center - How to request a DVD

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How to Request a DVD

Before you request:

  • First, you need enough credits in your account (1 disc = 1 credit)
    • The credit for each DVD order will be deducted from your account balance at the time your request is submitted.
    • All DVDs at SwapaDVD "cost" 1 credit per disc. Required credits are listed under DVD titles in search results.
  • You also need SwapaDVD Money for the swap fee, which is $0.49 per title (even if a title has multiple discs).
    • You can purchase SwapaDVD Money in the Kiosk, which you can then use for Swap Fees and (optional) Printable Postage.
  • Then you need to find a DVD you want.  See How to find DVDs to request
    • If a DVD is currently available to request, it will have on the listing. 
    • If a DVD is currently unavailable, it will have on the listing. 

When you have found a DVD you want:

  • Click    on the DVD listing.   
If you are trying to order the DVD from a specific member's tower:  you will need to click the button ON THE TOWER (and nowhere else) in order to be sure the request goes to that member. If you have clicked the DVD  on the tower to read more about the DVD, use the back button on your browser to GO BACK to the member's tower and click "Order This DVD" there.
  • The Order a DVD page will come up.  
If there is a message telling you to confirm your email address from the link in your Welcome email, you need to do that first. If you did not get that email, or do not have it anymore, click the link on the message to have it re-sent to you.  If you do not get the email, contact us.
  • On the Order a DVD page, specify your ship-to address.
    • The default ship-to address is the address on your account.
      • You can enter an alternate address if you want
      • You can choose from previous alternate addresses you have used (these are stored in a dropdown menu)
  • Click on the bottom right of the page. Do not refresh your page or click the button again while the button says Processing, or your request may go through twice!

That's it!

Additional Notes:

  • you have 1 hour before your request is submitted to the sender
  • If you want to cancel this request, you can do so by clicking on the request
    You can cancel ONLY up until the sender prints the address to send the DVD
  • If you want to contact this sender, click  on the request on your DVDs I've Requested tab to send a Personal Message 
    • if you do this, the 1-hr waiting period will be eliminated, and the DVD request will be submitted to the sender immediately.
  • You can expect your DVD to arrive within a week after it is marked mailed.


Related items:


Do we have to send the DVDs back?
What if a DVD I want is not available?
How do I buy credits?
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What if the sender does not respond to my request within 5 days?
What if the sender agrees to send a DVD, but doesn't mark it mailed before the deadline?
What if the sender is taking too long to respond? Can I cancel and reorder from someone else?

After you request:
Why did the *Requested on:* date change on my request?
The sender canceled, but the request is still on my account page!
What happens after you submit a request for a DVD
What if I want to cancel a request I made?
When will I get my DVD?
I haven't received my DVD yet. Is it lost in the mail?
What to do when your DVD arrives...
I got a DVD I requested, but I can't mark it received!
A DVD I requested is lost in the mail. What now?