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Help Center - What's in the Settings in My Account?

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Account Settings are accessible from the dropdown menu under My Account in the toolbar at the top of the site, and there is a Settings tab in My Account.

Your Account Settings permit you to change various settings in your account:

  • User email address,  Shipping Address

  • Public SwapaDVD Profile: you must make a public profile to have a SwapaDVD Nickname and to be listed in the Member Directory.
    • Once chosen, your SwapaDVD Nickname cannot be changed, so please be sure that you are happy with your choice before you click "Update"!

  • Forum Settings adjust how forum posts appear (yours and other members)
    • you can upload an avatar, include pictures or text in your signature, "hide" buttons linking to your DVD Tower/wishlist, and "hide" other members' forum signature text or photos or both.

  • Newsletter: you can opt to receive it or not.

  • Email Settings allow you to opt out of several different types of SwapaDVD auto-emails. Selecting an auto-email category means that you do NOT want to receive any emails in that category.