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Get a Great Deal on Anything
Reader's Digest - 10/1/2008 by By Andrea Cooper. Additional reporting by Tara Conry, Ann DiCesare, and Kathryn M. Tyranski

Books (paperbackswap.com), CDs (swapacd.com), and DVDs (swapadvd.com), that is. The tagline says it all: "No risk. No spam. No advertising. No gimmicks. No gotchas. No kidding." The sender pays the shipping costs and can send by any method he chooses. "I've gotten rid of an entire bookcase this way and then refilled it with books that I really wanted," says Kelly Neylan, owner of an apparel business in Columbia, Maryland. The book site recently listed more than 439,000 titles and is updated every five minutes. Barbara Walters's memoir, Audition, and Scott McClellan's What Happened were there, as well as fiction by Dean Koontz, Lee Child, and Danielle Steel. The swapping currency is simple: One book, CD, or DVD equals one credit, but you'll have to list ten items before you earn any credits.