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Save With Dave: Swap A DVD
CBS13 News Sacramento - 1/1/2009 by Dave Bender

Attention movie buffs, Save With Dave has found an easy way to save money.

Why pay to rent a movie, when you can swap your own for less than two bucks?

One local mom shows us how she saves hundreds of dollars.

Jessica Kisner is a mother of two, 12-year-old Amanda and 2-year-old Lilly.

"Being a single mom, I try to limit my money as much as I can," said Jessica.

About six months ago, she found this website called swapadvd.com.

It's a sister site to paperbackswap.com for books which we told you about last year. It's also free to join.

"You get a complimentary credit but in order to receive that credit, you have to put on 10 DVDs of your own you're willing to swap," explains Jessica.

After that, for each DVD you send, you get one credit. You then use that credit to request a DVD from another member.
You send in your good condition DVD's in an envelope or wrapper you can print with postage already on it. All you pay is the shipping which is usually under $2.00.

"Just send the DVDs and receive them. That's it. I've had absolutely no problems. I love it," says Jessica.

You can keep the DVDs or swap them again for other movies you'd like to watch.

Jessica tells us in the past six months, she's saved $300 by using the website.