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Associated Content - 11/27/2007 by Amy Brantley
A Free DVD Trading Site from the Creators of Paperback Swap
Do you love Paperback Swap? Do you love movies? Then you're going to love SwapaDVD. SwapaDVD opened its doors to the public for the first time today and has already attracted a lot of attention. In fact, at around 2:30pm today there was around 2,700 DVDs listed on SwapaDVD. There is
now (9:30pm) around 6,700! SwapaDVD is truly a websites that movie lovers are going to greatly benefit from. But, how does SwapaDVD work?
How SwapaDVD Works:
The first thing you need to do is signup. You will have to agree to terms that state that you agree not to list copied DVDs or X-rated material. Once you go through this process, you will then need to list 10 movies in order to receive a free credit, which can be used to order your first DVD for free.
Listing movies to your SwapaDVD DVD Tower is very simple. All you need is the UPC code from the back of your movie. It is important to remember that you must have the original case and artwork. The movie must also function properly. In other words, do list movies that are missing their case or are scratched up too bad to play.
Once you have listed your 10 movies, it's time to start looking for a movie that you'd enjoy. SwapaDVD makes this so simple. Just enter a movie title, actor, or you can even browse through different genres. Once you've found a movie you'd like to have, just request it and the other SwapaDVD member will ship your requested title. You will not even have to pay shipping.
Shipping Out Movies to Other SwapaDVD Members:
When someone selected one of your movies, all you have to do is state when you can ship the movie and then consider your shipping options. You can print the label and mail the DVD from your post office or you can take advantage of the SwapaDVD postage system. If you would like to do this, you will first need to add money to your account to pay for the shipping. Then just choose to purchase postage and print your label. This really is the easiest option if you get mail delivered to your residence.
SwapaDVD Credits:
Not all the DVDs on SwapaDVD cost one credit. Movie credits will be based on the number of discs. For example, a 4 disc set would cost 4 credits. Depending on the set, this is a real steal. When you order a movie, the number of credits will be subtracted from your account. When you
ship a movie, the other SwapaDVD member will go online and state that they received the movie and you will get the appropriate credits.
If you would like to buy SwapaDVD credits, you can go to the SwapaDVD Kiosk and purchase either 5 credits for $24.75 or 10 SwapaDVD credits for $49.50.