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Best Swapping Websites; These Websites Help Your Dollar Go Farther
AC Associated Content/ Lifestyle - 6/9/2009 by Sherri Laponsie

Paperback Swap is a website designed for you to swap your old books out for new ones. With thousands of members listing more and more books everyday. When you sign up for an account you list your books, after you list 10 you get 2 free books credits. After your books are posted your work is done and you wait for someone to request a book from you. After a book is requested you print out a mailing label, if you choose you can pre-pay for postage, wrap your book up, and mail it out. After you book has been mailed you wait for the member to receive the book and then you get a credit to order another book.
Swap a DVD is the same as Paperback Swap. After you list your first 10 DVD's then you get 1 free DVD credit. This website is still growing and is some what of a smaller swapping community. While conducting a search of the movies you are interested in, if your movie is not available,
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add it to your wish list. This way when it becomes available you can log in and request your DVD.

SwapaCD also like paperback Swap. A great place to get those Cd's you have been longing for. A great way to save money on buying new Cd's, since all you pay is postage to mail the Cd to someone else.