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Crown Financial Ministries - 1/26/2010 by Today on MoneyLife with Chuck Bentley
Sharon Epps is here with us again today. She's the Vice-President of Content and Media here at Crown.
We're going to talk with her today about how to save big in 2010. It should be a practical program with lots of good tips. I hope you'll hear at least one you can start using right away.
First, I want to share an email from a listener who is struggling to get his wife to stop seeing the money she makes as hers to do with as she pleases.
Sharon says it's hard to find out after you marry that you have a different perspective on money than your spouse. If that's your situation, she advises that you look to the Lord and to what is He calling you to do. Choose to do things God's way and ask your wife to do the same. Become a student of your wife or husband, to find out what would motivate your spouse to become involved.
Here are 4 great tips to save in 2010:
Save money on entertainment by swapping with others. The average person watches 4 hours of television a day. People spend a lot of money on TV service through cable and satellite. Swap your DVD's and books with others. It's a way to recycle what you aren't using. You can also post them for sale online. Use the library to borrow DVDs and movies.
Save money on entertainment by buying discounted tickets online. Shop for movie and concert tickets online. Search for coupons for restaurants. It just takes a little but of planning. Seek family entertainment that is interactive. See these important links:
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