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DVD Swapping Websites - Trade, Exchange and Swap DVDs Online
Squidoo.com - 3/23/2010 by SudokuNut

Why DVD Swapping Clubs Are For You

Everyone has DVDs on their shelves they no longer want or need for one reason or another.

Perhaps, you've seen a movie countless times or your kids got older and out grew those Barney DVDs or you bought fitness and workout DVDs you have lost interest in...and so on.

There are lots of reasons why we all have loads of unwanted DVDs gathering dust until the day when...what? We hold a garage sale or ebay them for pennies, give them away, throw them in the garbage and add some more waste to the environment or just leave them there collecting dust for eternity.

Of course, there is a better way...

You could take those old unwanted used DVD movies and swap them with someone else for Blu-Ray movies and DVDs you actually want instead!

You save money because you get new DVDs for nothing more than the cost of postage and better still, some sites offer free DVDs just for joining. You also help green your lifestyle by swapping and trading DVDs rather than dumping them in the garbage or buying new ones when the recycling and reuse of existing printed copies is a cheaper option.

Here are some reviews of DVD swap sites so you can find the best movie sharing site for you and find out how DVD swapping sites can help you save money and go a little bit greener in your lifestyle at the same time.

Swap Used DVDs Online At A DVD Movie Swapping Site
What A DVD Swap Site Is and Where To Find One
Bartering, trading, swapping, exchanging...whatever you want to call it, the activity is as old as human history can trace. Online trading sites have taken this principal to a whole new level however, allowing you to swap your unwanted stuff with people all over the country and in the case of some, with people all over the world.

Movie swapping sites facilitate the trading process by avoiding the kind of one-to-one trading you find on forums and message boards by using credits which take the place of direct trading. This makes the whole process easier and opens up the marketplace to a vastly larger group of people.
Swap A DVD - The Best Online DVD Sharing Site
An American Movie Exchanging Service
Possibly the biggest movie swap club in the United States is SwapaDVD, the sister site of the excellent book sharing club Paperbackswap.

At the time of writing SwapaDVD has a large membership of movie lovers sharing over 170,000 DVDs, HD DVD and Blu Ray movies in their database. That's a lot of movies, and you could be trading yours with them a few minutes after joining for free and listing your used DVDs too.

Psst. Want a free DVD?

SwapaDVD encourages new members by giving them one free DVD sharing credit when they join and list their first ten titles on the site. Since each normal DVD will cost you just one credit to order (box sets, TV show series etc. cost more as they are more expensive to buy) that's a free DVD movie you can order from anyone else on the site and have delivered to your doorstep free of charge.
How cool is that!

Once, you have listed your used DVD swaps onto the site, you will start receiving swap requests from other members.

Complete each request by sending that DVD off to the requester in the mail. When they receive it, and verify it is in acceptable condition, you will receive at least 1 swapping credit in return which you can then use to request more DVDs from other members.

Get bored with these and relist them for more credits...are you starting to see how much money you can save here? All you pay to receive a DVD is media mail postage in one direction. That's around $2 at current rates.

SwapaDVD also gives you the option to buy DVD swapping credits through the site rather than swapping movies for them. The price is $4.95 per credit at the time of writing but if you check on the site's user forums (look under DVD bartering) you will often find other people selling their excess credits for around $3.50 or less if you choose to go this route instead.

You can also check the forums for people offering special deals and bargains on the DVD stack. Often, you'll be able to pick up 3, 4 or even more DVDs from one person for the cost of just one credit.

SwapaDVD also offers printable postage directly through their site so you do not have to waste time and gas on a trip to the post office. Just print out the postage at home and leave the package for the mailman to pick up.

I really like how this site works compared to many of the others out there. The user interface is great, the site easy to navigate as a whole and there are some nice user friendly features which make the trading process easier.

For example, you can place reserve orders on DVDs not yet in the system and so long as you have credits available these will be automatically requested and sent to you without you having to keep checking in all the time to see if there is something you want available.

The credit-based system also avoids that awkward social bartering you'll see on other sites, especially forums, which admittedly some prefer but for myself, find just plain off-putting.

Overall, I'm impressed with this site and the money saving opportunities it presents. You can also pat yourself on the back for going green into the process because all this reuse and recycling keeps those DVDs out of a landfill and cuts the number being produced as well.