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Websites to save you money
Townhall.com/Alabama - 3/25/2010 by Judy Woodward Bates

DORA, Ala. (BP)--There's a wealth of info in cyberspace that can help you and your family save time and money. If you aren't Internet savvy, please check with your local library, community college and other places that offer basic computer courses -- many of which are free.

-- PaperbackSwap.com. Register for free membership and list your pre-read books here. When another member requests one of yours, you pay for inexpensive media shipping; likewise, you can request books from other members and pay nothing for your "new" reading material. You can search by category and material type, such as textbooks, children's, teens, mystery, cooking, books-on-CD, etc.

-- SwapaCD.com and SwapaDVD.com. These sites work much like PaperbackSwap.com, except that you pay 49 cents for CDs you request.