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Websites That Will Help You Save Money
HubPages - 7/13/2010 by Angela Michelle

My husband and I are fanatical when it comes to getting the best deals. He'll spend months comparing car prices, researching, etc, while I always find the best deals on the nonessentials. I one time got this really awesome blouse that I always get compliments on for $1.67! It was 90 percent off of 80 percent off! The store wasn't closing, they just had a rack of clothes that for one reason or another didn't sell. This really awesome shirt just happen to be with them. I love it, and I love getting compliments when I wear it. But enough about that. In my search, I have found that there are many sites out there that will help us in our buying endeavors, from comparing gas prices, to getting books, movies, DVDs on the cheap, to finding coupons for my razors, here are some really awesome sites that will help you as well. Oh and let's not forget online budgeting tools. These sites are definitely worth checking out!!

Save On Books and Media
Do you have piles and piles of books, CDs, movies that you don't read, listen to, or watch? Well, then you should really look into one of these sites. They are so awesome, and I use them all the time. They all work much the same way, you post items that you no longer want, people order yours, you pay for shipping, you pick what you want, then you get it for free! Often times i have gotten brand new and many of them have been at least almost brand new!

paperbackswap.com - This one is not just for paperbacks, but you can also trade hard cover books as well. I have found that the quality of the books you get through this is usually really good. The people are pretty honest, and I have had no problems what so ever!!!

swapadvd.com - You can only trade DVDs no VCR tapes here, the availability kind of stinks, but still I like it. You also can trade your credits for those of its two affiliates paperbackswap.com and swapacd.com.

swapacd.com - Here you can trade CDs. Again the availability is not so good, but if you are patient you will eventually get the CDs that you are looking for.