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Save Money by Swapping Online
creators.com - 11/16/2010 by Mary Hunt

You can shop online without spending a dime. No, I'm not talking about some kind of devious Internet rip-off scam. A quasi-cashless society has grown on the Internet over the past couple of years, and you can swap for all kinds of great goods. If you're willing to pay for shipping, you can find almost anything, all brand-new or gently used and all completely free. Talk about recycling!

-- SwapaDVD.com is a reliable website where you can swap the DVDs you no longer want for ones you do. Register for a free account on this site, and decide which of your DVDs you want to swap. You must have the original cases; simply list your DVDs by their UPCs. Full descriptions and cover art are supplied by the SwapaDVD database, so you don't have to upload or scan anything.

When someone wants one of your DVDs, you mail it. (Postage averages about $2 per package via first-class mail; SwapaDVD members can print postage and a combo mailing label and wrapper for sending a movie.) When the other person indicates receipt of your DVD, you get one credit per disc deposited into your account. List 10 DVDs that you're willing to send out and you immediately can request a complimentary DVD. With a library of nearly 200,000 DVDs currently available to be sent to your mailbox, think of the possibilities; maybe you could cancel your cable TV service or your Netflix account.