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Help Center - I will be away from my account for a prolonged time; how should I handle this?

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If you plan to be out of town (or away from email) for longer than a few days, you can use the Vacation/Hold feature to put your DVD Tower on hold. This feature prevents incoming requests and "hides" any item on your Wish List that has not been set to auto-request, but it will not suspend active transactions (for DVDs already requested by or from you).

If you will be away from a computer for a prolonged period of time, and are unable to log into your account, there is a chance that DVDs that are "en route" to you while you are away will be marked received by the system.

  • If you have not logged in for a while and you have a DVD en route to you, you should receive an email from SwapaDVD asking you to log in to demonstrate that you are still an active member, and if possible, you should do this within the timeframe given in the email.

  • If your account appears "inactive" to the SwapaDVD system, a DVD that is en route to you will be marked received by the system on the 26th day (*35th day for items mailed to or from outside the contiguous US)  after it is marked mailed (it will not be declared Lost).

  • Please ensure that your incoming mail can be "held" for you. Requestors are responsible for providing dependable addresses to senders.
    • If you are moving, you must arrange for your incoming mail to be forwarded to your new address
    • If you are simply to be away from home, and will be returning to the same address, you should speak with your PO about holding your mail.

  • It might be wise NOT to request DVDs too close to the date of your "hiatus"--in other words, that will not be likely to arrive before you leave your computer for a prolonged time, so that there are no issues about returned mail, or DVDs marked received by the system in your absence.
  • If you will be away from SwapaDVD for a long time, you can also always ask us to suspend your account.



Related Links:

How to put your Account on Hold/vacation
How does the Vacation Hold affect My DVD Tower?
How does the Vacation Hold affect My Wish List?
How does the Vacation Hold affect SwapaDVD emails?
What if I move, or I change my email address?