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Help Center - What if I move, or I change my email address?

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Your account information (email address, shipping address, SwapaDVD profile, Forum Settings, Newsletter settings, email settings, etc) can all be changed in your Account Settings.

You cannot change your email address or mailing address until you have received a DVD.   If you need to change your information before receiving a DVD, just contact us and provide your current information; we can make this change for you.

To access your Account Settings:

  • From anywhere on the site:
    • Click the My Account option in the grey toolbar at the top of the site
    • Click the Settings tab (far right) on the My Account page.
    • OR: click Settings in the menu under My Account at the top of any page.

Be sure to click underneath the information you have entered to apply your changes.

If you change your mailing address WHILE you already have active requests:

  • The active requests will have the old mailing address attached to them.

  • You will need to click on each of the active requests, to change the old address (already attached to that request)  to the new one.

    • You can only do this BEFORE the sender has printed the address to send the DVD.
    • If a request has already been printed or mailed, you do not have the option to change the address attached to that request.  In this case, you should contact your previous PO and make arrangements to have the package(s) forwarded to your new address.



Related Links:

If you can't change your address in your Account Settings...
If you think you are not getting your SwapaDVD emails...
Macintosh/Safari users, please read this!
What else is in the Account Settings?