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Help Center - What does *pending request, 1 hr max* mean?

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This notation will appear on your Tower next to a DVD that has been requested, during the 1-hr delay before a request is submitted to you.  The notation alerts the sender that an order for a DVD is in process, so that the sender will not delete the DVD during this time.

  • There is an approximately 1-hr delay between the time a DVD is requested by the requestor and the time that the request is submitted (and the auto-email notification sent) to the sender.
    • This delay allows time for the requestor to change her mind and cancel the request, with minimal confusion to the sender.
  • The 1-hr delay is removed if the requestor sends a Personal Message to the sender during that hour, by clicking the button on the active request.
    • If that happens, the DVD will immediately be removed from the Tower (and moved to the Requested From Me tab in My Account), and
    • An email notification of the request will be sent to the sender.
  • If the DVD is a Wish Listed DVD, and this notation appears on your Tower (instead of appearing as a pending Wish List  offer on your account page):
    • that means the item was set to auto-request on the member's Wish List.
    • An auto-requested item is treated as a regular request; the offer/confirmation step is skipped over by the system and the 1-hr delay applies.


Related Links:


How to request a DVD
How to Respond to a Request
How to send a DVD