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Help Center - Do I need to have internet access/email to use SwapaDVD?

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SwapaDVD is an online DVD-swapping club.

  • You will need to have a working email address to use the club.
    • Each account may use only ONE email address
    • An email address can be registered to only ONE account.
    • Your SwapaDVD User Email address is the address to which SwapaDVD emails will be sent
    • Your SwapaDVD User Email address is also the Username that you can use to log in on the Member Login page.
      • You can also use your SwapaDVD Nickname if you have chosen one to log in (enter it in the space for  UserEmail/Nickname)
    • You can change your SwapaDVD User Email address in your account settings
  • You do not need to have internet access at home, but you will need to be able to check your email and log into your account at least every 5 days to ensure that you don't miss any DVD requests submitted to you.
    • If you plan to be away from internet access for more than 5 days, you should put your DVD Tower on hold.
  • Wish List offers to you are active for 48 hours.
    • if you will not be able to get your email/access your account once in each 48 hours, you can use the auto-request feature on the Wish List to ensure that you don't miss a Wish List offer.
  • You do not need a printer to use SwapaDVD.
  • You do not need a credit card to use SwapaDVD.


Related Links:

What is the Wish List?
How the Wish List Works
What if I move, or I change my email address?
Do I need to own a computer to use SwapaDVD?
Do I have to have a printer to use SwapaDVD?
How to put your Account on Hold/vacation
I will be away from my account for a prolonged time; how should I handle this?
I go out of town a lot; how can I manage my account?